Home Internet How to delete a Wi-Fi network saved on your smartphone

How to delete a Wi-Fi network saved on your smartphone

by hmcyp

What is Wifi Network?

A Wi-Fi network, also known as a wireless network, is a type of computer network that uses wireless data connections between devices such as computers, smartphones, tablets, and other devices to connect to the internet and to communicate with each other. Wi-Fi networks use radio waves to transmit data over short distances, typically within a home or office, or in public places such as airports or coffee shops. Wi-Fi networks are often used as an alternative to wired networks, which require physical connections between devices, and they offer greater mobility and flexibility in terms of device placement and network accessibility. In order to use a Wi-Fi network, devices must be within range of a Wi-Fi hotspot, which is a device or access point that broadcasts a wireless signal that devices can connect to. Wi-Fi networks can be secured with various types of encryption and password protection to prevent unauthorized access to the network or to the data being transmitted. Wi-Fi has become a common mode of data transmission and is widely used in homes, offices, public spaces, and other areas where internet connectivity is needed.

The steps to delete a Wi-Fi network saved on your smartphone:

Step 1: Open Wi-Fi Settings

1. Open the Settings app on your smartphone
2. Look for the “Wi-Fi” option and tap on it

Step 2: Find Saved Networks

1. In the Wi-Fi settings, look for the “Saved Networks” or “Saved Wi-Fi Networks” option.
2. Select this option to view all the networks that your phone is currently connected to or previously connected to.

Step 3: Select the Wi-Fi Network to Delete

1. Scroll through the list of saved networks and select the network that you want to delete.
2. Tap and hold the network’s name until a pop-up menu appears.

Step 4: Forget the Network

1. In the pop-up menu, select “Forget network.”
2. A confirmation prompt will appear, asking if you are sure you want to forget the network. Select “Yes” or “OK” to proceed.

Step 5: Verify the Network has been Deleted

1. Check the list of saved networks to confirm that the network you wanted to delete is no longer on the list.
2. If it is still present, repeat these steps to ensure that the network is correctly deleted.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q: Why should I delete a Wi-Fi network from my smartphone?
A: There may be several reasons to delete a Wi-Fi network from your smartphone, such as security concerns, frequent disconnections, or outdated network information.

Q: Will deleting a Wi-Fi network from my smartphone also remove it from other devices?
A: No, deleting a Wi-Fi network from your smartphone will only remove it from your smartphone. Other devices that are still connected to the network will still be able to access it.

Q: Will deleting a Wi-Fi network from my smartphone affect my Wi-Fi connectivity?
A: No, deleting a Wi-Fi network from your smartphone will not affect your Wi-Fi connectivity with other networks. Your phone will still be able to connect to any other available networks.

Q: Can I undo the deletion of a Wi-Fi network?
A: No, once you delete a Wi-Fi network from your smartphone, it cannot be recovered. You will have to reconnect to the network and enter the password again if you want to connect with it in the future.

Deleting a Wi-Fi network from your smartphone is a straightforward process that can be done in just a few steps. By removing unwanted or outdated networks, you can improve the security and reliability of your Wi-Fi connections. It is important to note that deleting a Wi-Fi network from your smartphone will only remove it from that specific device and will not affect other connected devices.

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